Jam Petrochemical goes to ChinaPlas

Jam Petrochemical goes to ChinaPlas

Gem Petrochemical Company will attend the 36th China International Rubber and Plastic Industry Exhibition in Shanghai, China from April 23 to 26, 2024.
Iran’s gas will end in the next 30 years

Iran’s gas will end in the next 30 years

The amount of gas deposits and the amount of gas that can be removed are completely clear. With a simple calculation, we find out that we can harvest gas only in 30 years.
Jam Petrochemical became a supporter of Chinkara deer

Jam Petrochemical became a supporter of Chinkara deer

According to the report of Energy Press, citing the public relations and international affairs of Jam Petrochemical; In this joint meeting, which was attended by Engineer “Abdul Rahim Ghanbarian”, CEO of Jam Petrochemical and a group of managers of this company, “Abdul Rahman Muradzadeh”, Director General of Environment of Bushehr Province and “Mustafa Moazeni”, Head