Why the gasoline imbalance is not resolved in Iran?

According to Energy Press, there are many reasons for the shortage of gasoline in the country, the most important of which experts say is worn-out cars, cars that, in addition to air pollution, also harm the country’s economy because improper combustion leads to the consumption of these cars, which increases consumption. It has also led to the import of gasoline. Although the officials considered various solutions to prevent this discrepancy, such as building a refinery, limiting fuel cards, reducing the free quota of fuel cards, and even increasing the share of CNG in the fuel basket, but it seems that these solutions are not the answer and now they must considered other solutions to compensate for this fuel damage.
One of the important tools for compensating gasoline imbalance is consumption management, but this issue alone is not enough, because in addition to consumption management, special attention should be paid to categories such as the monthly quota of private cars and raising car standards, because the most important reason for gasoline imbalance In the country, the quality of cars can be considered low, cars that consume twice the world standard, Jalil Salari, CEO of Refining and Broadcasting Company, also confirmed this, saying that the fuel consumption of domestic cars is twice as much as the world standard, if domestic cars, the standard Now the consumption of gasoline in the country was 60 million liters per day and we could export more than 50 million liters of gasoline per day. According to calculations, the export of this amount of gasoline brings an income equal to 15 billion dollars for the country.
The poor quality of domestic cars is the cause of gasoline shortage
Although automobile experts were not under the burden of the low quality of domestic cars and the main cause of gasoline imbalance until recently, Masih Farzaneh, an expert in the automobile industry, said regarding the cause of gasoline imbalance in the country: Several factors are influential in the discussion of fuel consumption optimization. One of the effective measures in reducing the gasoline shortage is strengthening the domestic automobile industry, which means raising the quality of car assembly, especially in the issue of engine (propulsion) and powertrain production, which both reduces gasoline consumption and reduces air pollution in all cities in the long term.
Farzaneh went on to point out that on the other hand, strengthening the import of quality foreign cars can also help us to solve the problem of gasoline shortage and continued: Changing the macro view of the automobile industry in the assembly sector is also one of the measures that can be used to To some extent, this dissatisfaction will be resolved in the long run.
He pointed out that all the assembled cars in the country have been made in China, while 5 years ago, a significant part of these assemblies were French cars such as Peugeot, Renault and Citroen, which were of a much higher quality than the current Chinese cars, in addition to the fact that most of the cars Chinese assembly have low-quality turbo engines that are incompatible with the low quality of fuel in the country and wear out the engine prematurely, increase pollution and fuel consumption, and such conditions lead to a record fuel consumption of over 150 million liters in It is day in the country.
Importing electric cars is a way to compensate for the gasoline imbalance
One of the measures that many countries have taken to reduce fuel consumption and prevent air pollution is the use of electric cars. Babak Sadrai, an expert in the automotive industry, confirms this and tells Mehr reporter: What has happened in the automotive industry in recent years. What has happened in the world is that we have moved towards cars with clean engines, high efficiency, low fuel consumption and low emissions.
He continued: If environmental issues in car production are not taken seriously, they will create a crisis for the whole world. Cars produced in our country have old platforms and engines have higher emissions than new cars.
Sadraei explained: In addition to this, another problem in our country that has caused gasoline consumption to rise is the non-removal of used cars. He continued: There is a large volume of used cars in our country. If we import electric cars to the country, but do not remove these worn-out cars and worn-out buses and minibuses, it will not affect the reduction of gasoline consumption and dissatisfaction.
This automobile expert explained: For this reason, we must have a plan to remove old and worn-out cars and vehicles that produce emissions from the consumption cycle and instead introduce new cars with clean energy into the consumption cycle.
This car expert said: There are many problems on the way to retire used cars because most of those who use used cars do not have the necessary financial conditions to use new cars with low gas consumption and to go out. The government should take an urgent decision from this situation.
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