The production of all Iranian refineries will be Euro 5

According to Energy Press, during the signing ceremony of the contracts for the development and exploitation of Chengoleh and Bandkarkheh fields and the purchase of crude oil processing services with an investment volume of about 2 billion dollars, Javad Oji said: In the last 3 years, 5 billion dollars have been signed with Russian companies. We concluded that the revenue was the production of 220,000 barrels of crude oil.
He added: Also, in the last 3 years, we have signed 153 upstream, downstream and semi-completed projects worth 34 billion dollars, among them is Phase 11, which has not had a contract for maybe 20 years and was put into operation with the presence of Ayatollah Raisi.
Stating that oil, produced gas and petrochemicals have grown well, the oil minister said: last year economic growth was 20 percent and in 2022; This figure was 10%, which was already the production and export of oil and gas.
He emphasized: 55 million cubic meters have been added to gas production, 55 million cubic meters have been added to processing capacity, 10 million tons have been added to petrochemical capacity, all of which were from 153 projects.
Oji stated: We currently have 300 projects and 130 billion dollars of investment on the agenda, and they will be put into operation in the next 3 to 4 years.
Stating that we have looked internally in all projects, he said: “If it were otherwise, the events of the 1990s would have happened, we are using internal power, holdings, banks and people’s participation.”
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