How will Iran’s new gasoline decisions affect CNG consumption?

How will Iran’s new gasoline decisions affect CNG consumption?

The chairman of the board of directors of the country's CNG trade association said: "Now we have to do two things, one is to prevent the country's current dual-fuel cars from abandoning the use of CNG, although the biggest problem in this regard is the challenges of changing tanks."
We can achieve daily production of 130 million liters of gasoline in the country

We can achieve daily production of 130 million liters of gasoline in the country

CEO of Iran's National Oil Products Refining and Distribution Company said: By building new refineries and improving the quality of existing refineries and taking necessary measures to optimize energy consumption and implementing development plans in refining companies, we can achieve daily production of 130 million liters of gasoline in the country.
Worn-out cars are the cause of Iran’s gasoline shortage

Worn-out cars are the cause of Iran’s gasoline shortage

An expert in the field of energy stated that the fuel consumption of cars produced in the country is twice the world standard and one of the reasons for the scarcity of gasoline, and said: By implementing some policies and producing standard cars, Iran can become a gasoline exporter again.
Is there a possibility of an increase in the price of gasoline in Iran?

Is there a possibility of an increase in the price of gasoline in Iran?

These days, the parliament and the government are involved in reviewing and approving the 2024 budget bill. In examining this important issue, some issues are raised by the parliament and even government officials, each of which has serious psychological effects on the country's economy.