Real-time monitoring of the supply chain and distribution of petroleum products is implemented

According to Energy Press, citing the Iranian Petroleum Refining and Distribution Company, Mohammad Meshkinfam stated that this project is one of the largest supervisory and management programs in the field of supplying and distributing petroleum products in the country, and stated: The National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company, as the executive arm of the National Petroleum Refining and Distribution Company in developing key infrastructures, has assumed responsibility for the design, engineering, equipment supply, and implementation of several parts of this project.
Emphasizing the benefit of the capabilities of domestic companies and the engineering, construction, and indigenous knowledge within the country in implementing this project, he added: Identifying and combating fuel smuggling, promoting transparency and data management, reducing costs, and improving productivity are among the goals of this project.
Referring to the precise monitoring of the supply chain from the refinery to the consumer, the possibility of identifying weak points and points prone to smuggling, the CEO of the National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company said: By equipping the supply chain with metering and monitoring systems, online and accurate information is transferred from each stage to the monitoring center, and this information is used not only to identify problems, but also to predict needs and better manage resources. Meshkinfam added: Artificial intelligence-based analysis to review received data manages and optimizes decision-making and reduces the risk of reducing product inventory at sensitive points. Regarding the possible challenges of the project, he said: Naturally, implementing such a project, at the national level, is accompanied by challenges, including coordination between stakeholders and the provision of equipment under sanctions. However, by relying on domestic experience and technical knowledge, we have fortunately overcome many obstacles, and supporting domestic manufacturers and using local products in the fields of precision instruments, valves, and monitoring systems will play a key role in reducing challenges.
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