Increasing gas production in South Pars

According to Energy Press, citing Pars Oil and Gas Company, Hamidreza Masoudi, referring to the influential role of the South Pars Joint Field in providing a large part of the country’s energy portfolio, stated: “For this purpose, large-scale and coherent planning is being carried out by using complex mechanisms to continue increasing the gas production capacity from the South Pars Field.” He emphasized the need to accelerate the development of this joint field to achieve the expected goals of the Ministry of Oil and the National Iranian Oil Company, and said: “Implementing and completing the remaining measures in the offshore and onshore sectors, in addition to determining the tasks of the so-called 35-month plans and projects such as drilling 35 in-field wells and the strategic pressure-boosting plan, can help maintain and increase the gas production capacity from the South Pars Joint Field, improve the energy balance, and respond to part of the accumulated gas demand in various sectors.”
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