The latest OPEC monthly report showed that the price of Iranian heavy oil resumed its downward trend last month.
The development and exploitation plan of Somar, Saman and Delavaran oil fields and the development and stabilization of Abadan refinery capacity were reviewed and approved during the first meeting of the Economic Council in the 14th government.
The first vice president said: The growth of oil exports in the 7th annual development plan has been seen by 12% and the annual growth of the oil sector in the economy by 9%.
The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company emphasized the need to speed up and increase the extraction from the Azadegan South joint field by the end of the year in a think-tank meeting with the senior managers of Arundan Oil and Gas Company.
Iran's policies for exporting oil and circumventing sanctions have found a more clever shape and form and new purposes for themselves.
Kepler data shows that China's oil imports from Iran this month reached a new record of 1.75 million barrels per day.
The National Oil Company is the most vital part of the Ministry of Oil and there is no room for trial and error. The consequences of ill-considered decisions in the National Oil Company will cost the life of a new minister.
The leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized: The development of the upstream oil sectors and the use of facilities as much as possible to apply new methods of oil and gas extraction and the production of diverse and numerous products in the downstream sectors are important priorities for the country.
The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company stated that the strategic and national mission of this group is to jump oil and gas production, and said: the increase of 400,000 barrels of oil production is the most important mission assigned by the Minister of Oil.
The work of the new oil minister officially started last Thursday. Mohsen Paknejad must now, in addition to managing what he has received, also follow his plans; The programs that are at the top of them is solving the crisis of dissatisfaction.