CEO of Arghvan Gostar Ilam Company in an interview with "Energy Press":
$40 million profit with polypropylene production/ Arghvan Gostrailam will be launched in March

According to the exclusive report of Energy Press, Vahid Namnik, the CEO of Arghwan Gostar ilam Company, in an interview with “Energy Press”, stating that this company is the only producer of propylene in the Persian Gulf Holding, said: Arghwan Gostrailam Company was bought second-hand from Australia and sold to Hemet Persian Gulf Holding and Petrol Group entered Iran and its project has been implemented for several years.
He continued: The company had many problems until a year and a few months ago, but fortunately, with the presence of the board of directors and the new management team and the special view that Petrol and Persian Gulf had on Arghwan Gostar, we saw good things during this time and the project From a stagnant atmosphere, it became one of the record holders in the Persian Gulf Holding, so that we actually reached a point of hope from a project that was not expected to be implemented.
Nik Nam added: We will launch a part of the factory in March, which is very good for us and will bring good liquidity to the company and move the company from the project space to the launch space.
The CEO of Arghwan Gostar Ilam Company said: We have started a phasing plan so that we can launch one part this year and another part in the early summer of next year and reach the final polypropylene product. With this program, we can manage our resources and we can start a part of the unit earlier and have a good income for the company.
Stating that the Arghwan Gostar Ilam plant produces 150,000 products, he said: This company has produced up to 180,000 tons of products in its records in Australia. The production of the product depends on the food that we can get from Ilam Petrochemical. However, we are part of the value chain of Ilam Petrochemical.
He added: We will convert the propylene that Ilam Petrochemical sells to companies nationwide into polypropylene.
The CEO of Arghwan Gostar Ilam Company said about the good things that will happen in the complex: This was a refinery plant; We had a unit that took refinery grade feed, but we are currently engaged in engineering work so that we can bring the company’s capacity to the nominal capacity with C3 Plus and other such issues.
He added: On the other hand, we may be able to solve issues related to increasing the petrochemical capacity of Ilam. After launching, Arghvan will transform from a single-product company to a multi-product company in order to have a basket of products, and this is one of the good things that happened with the approach of the new board of directors. With this event, we can have a very good return for Ilam Petrochemical and Persian Gulf Holding.
Nick Nam further stated: Based on the latest FS, the conditions will be very good, and in less than three years we can return due to the good conditions of the BP product; Especially with the fact that we can have the 4700 unit and receive C3 Plus, it will be even better.
Referring to the situation of BP in the world market, he said: “Currently, polypropylene is banned in the country and there is a severe shortage in the country, which with the presence and production of Arghvan Gostar, the portfolio of Persian Gulf Holding’s products, for the first time BP The eye will see. With this incident and the very good profit that BP has.
Saying that Arghwan Gostar can create much better conditions than other complexes that produce BP, Nik Nam said: the most important reason is that feed is available and the company has good capabilities to receive different products and different feed. It also has a good interaction with Ilam Petrochemical, which has good advantages, and all this makes good things happen for Persian Gulf Holding and Petrol Group.
He added: Financially, it is different in the first to third years. If you see the financial statement of similar BPs, they experience 35-40% high profits on BP; If the balance in the country improves and we can export, my prediction is that our profit floor will be the biggest profit of BP companies.
Regarding the added value, Nik Nam said: Ilam polypropylene is the first gas phase license in the country that has been implemented and the conditions are such that we envisage a great variety of products for Arghvan Gostar BP, and at least in the first year, we expect 80,000 tons of production. We considered for ourselves that considering the conditions of polypropylene in the country, we predict that we have considered a profit of at least 40 million dollars.
Tags:Arghwan Gostar ilam ، polypropylene
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