Zanganeh: Senseless privatization in the ninth and tenth governments is one of the reasons for the electricity imbalance

According to Energy Press, former Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said at the closing ceremony of the 10th Oil and Energy Congress: The Ministry of Energy has made every effort in the electricity sector in the past 10 years, but for reasons beyond their control, it has suffered from an imbalance between production and consumption.
He added: Due to the lack of sufficient financial resources to provide the resources needed for subsidies, the ministry has not even been able to fulfill its financial obligations in the energy conversion sector alone.
Zanganeh said: According to the announcement of the Minister of Energy, the ministry owes about 100 million to power plants.
He considered the meaningless privatization in the ninth and tenth governments to be among other issues that have added to the problems of the ministry.
The government should not step on the melon skin. In the Rouhani government, there were 31 billion dollars worth of projects for which we obtained permission from the Economic Council based on the laws for removing production barriers, and we were supposed to provide the resources from savings, but none of them were implemented, the reason being subsidies, which they wanted to have more resources for subsidies, and one was due to sanctions.
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