News ID: 899
Date: Tuesday 30 April 2024 - 21:47

Will this summer’s power outage in Iran lead to a blackout?

Will this summer’s power outage in Iran lead to a blackout?
The CEO of Tavanir Company said: "At the beginning of the government, the demand figure was about 14,000 megawatts. The forecast is that this year we will reach about 10,000 to 11,000 megawatts with the measures that are being taken."

According to Energy Press, Mustafa Rajabi Mashhadi, the CEO of Tovanir Company, stated on the sidelines of the launch ceremony of the campaign with energy, which was held in the presence of the officials of the electricity industry and a group of artists and athletes at the Mellat Cinema Campus: One of the indicators of electricity consumption; The intensity of energy consumption in the country is that this index in our country is twice the world average.
He added: We always need to have optimal consumption so that we can meet the needs of new demands and the productive sector of the country.
The managing director of Tavanir company stated that “the purpose of this campaign is to encourage commercial and household subscribers who make up 80% of the number of subscribers and 50% of the country’s peak consumption to reduce consumption” Savings bonus is also on the agenda.
He continued: More than 80 million awards will be given to those who reduce electricity consumption and continuously repeat this work. With this action, these subscribers will receive stable electricity and the productive sector of the country will enjoy more energy. and we can send the required electricity to very hot spots as well as hospital, service and educational centers.
Regarding electricity supply for cryptocurrencies, Rajabi Mashhadi said: For those who legally mine cryptocurrencies, it is expected that they will be able to use electricity from 2 am to 9 am, which is the minimum load time, but for those who use the electricity network illegally. If their devices are detected, they will be confiscated and handed over to the judicial authorities and will be destroyed according to the new laws, and serious crimes will definitely be applied from the time they are detected.
CEO Tawanir pointed out: We ask our compatriots to report illegal cryptocurrencies through the “Bargh Man” system. In addition to the fact that this report will remain confidential, they can benefit from the reward and according to the miners that are discovered, the number of the reward will be given. increases and helps to provide stable electricity.
He stated about the consumption reduction award: We have more than 42 electricity industry subscribers, of which about 32 million are domestic and commercial subscribers, if this number of subscribers reduce electricity consumption within 21 weeks, it is considered as a point of awards that expected to benefit, subscribers may benefit from these rewards more than two or more times and there is no limit to these rewards.


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