News ID: 956
Date: Thursday 9 May 2024 - 20:01

Which countries export oil to Israel?

Which countries export oil to Israel?
According to Globes report, the Zionist regime's relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan are the most stable relations of this regime with any Muslim country.

According to Energy Press, Iran has repeatedly asked Muslim countries to impose an oil embargo on the Zionist regime, but according to statistics, some Islamic countries have a high share in oil exports to Israel. Not long ago, Turkey announced a ban on trade with Israel, but Azerbaijan’s oil exports to Israel are still loaded through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

According to Kepler company statistics, since mid-May 2023, the Zionist regime has imported about 220,000 barrels of oil per day, of which 60% came from these two countries. African countries, especially Gabon, are other big suppliers of this regime. America, which is the biggest supporter of the Zionist regime, supplied more oil to the global offshore oil market in 2023. Also, exports from Brazil to the occupied territories had a significant growth.
But the most vital issue for the Zionist regime is the security of the oil ports and the waters around them so that this import can be carried out in complete safety. The Zionist regime has three oil import terminals, including Ashkelon and Haifa in the Mediterranean Sea and Eilat in the Red Sea.
Ashkelon is the most important oil import terminal of the Zionist regime, which moves about 180,000 barrels of oil per day. This terminal is near Gaza and was closed shortly after the start of the Gaza war. No oil has entered the occupied territories through the Red Sea terminal in Eilat since 2020. The flow of imports to Haifa is about 40,000 barrels per day.
According to Rigzone news website, Middle East producers have a small share in supplying oil to the Zionist regime.
According to World Meters, Israel also produces 5,977 barrels of oil per day, which ranks it 95th in the world.
Referring to Israeli sources, the Hebrew-language financial newspaper “Globes” reported that despite the fact that Turkey announced a complete ban on trade with Israelis on May 2, the oil of the Republic of Azerbaijan is still in tankers bound for the occupied territories in the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, Turkey. are loaded.
The Republic of Azerbaijan is a close ally of Turkey, but it has strong relations with the Zionist regime and is an important supplier of oil to this regime.

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