News ID: 1982
Date: Wednesday 18 September 2024 - 20:33

What percentage of the country’s gas refining capacity is empty?

What percentage of the country’s gas refining capacity is empty?
According to the report of the Majlis Research Center, the country's nominal gas refining capacity until 2022 is about 1030 million cubic meters per day, and 72.4% of this capacity has been used.

According to Energy Press, in the last decade, the “highest” rate of utilization of gas refining capacity was in 2016 with about 77.6% and the “lowest” was in 2018 with about 66.8%.
According to the statistics of this center, the amount of gas imbalance in the cold quarter of the year is 225 million cubic meters per day, and 285 million cubic meters of excess refining capacity without gas has been suspended.


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