What is the story of the black market of super gasoline in Tehran?

According to Energy Press, an average of 21 million liters of gasoline is consumed daily in Tehran province this year, of which around one to two million liters, i.e., less than 10%, is used for super gasoline and the rest of the gasoline. It is normal.
At the national level, of the average daily consumption of 124 million liters of gasoline this year, the range of super gasoline supply is between zero and 5%.
The difference between “super gasoline” and “regular gasoline” is its octane number, which is 87 in regular (red) gasoline and 95 in super (green) gasoline; The color of the regular gasoline nozzle in the gas stations of our country is red, and the color of the super nozzle is usually green.
Octane number is the condensability of fuel; Higher octane means explosion at higher pressure and this means that super pressure gasoline can withstand more pressure, explodes later than regular gasoline and at the right time.
The higher the octane of a fuel, the more it resists destructive combustion (premature) phenomenon and explodes only at the right time with the spark of a candle and produces less environmental pollution.
A good fuel should be ignited only after the spark of the spark plug and its combustion flame should travel slowly throughout the combustion chamber to provide useful energy to the piston.
Normal gasoline for some high model cars has little power and cannot provide the necessary acceleration power for the wheels; Additives in super gasoline clean the carbon deposits in the injectors and improve the performance of the car over time.
If you use regular gasoline in a car engine that requires super gasoline, due to the presence of uneven injection droplets, a uniform explosion wave will not be created and the car engine will be damaged over time in addition to producing less power.
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