Water Industry Spokesperson: We Will Not Have Water Rationing Next Year

According to Energy Press, Issa Bozorgzadeh said in a radio interview about the latest situation of the country’s rainfall and water resources: “In general, 75 percent of Iran is located in arid and semi-arid zones, and today 50 percent of the world’s ancient dams are located in Iran.” He continued: “Today, drought is not a new issue in our country, and due to the increase in the country’s population and climate change, water resources have decreased. Renewable water resources were about 6,800 cubic meters per person per year in the past, and today this number has reached 1,200.” The spokesperson for the country’s water industry added: “In general, the Planning and Budget Organization should help us implement emergency water plans. Consumption management is also another solution to water stress. The main solution is consumption management and resource management, so that 25 percent of consumption should be reduced.”
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