News ID: 1536
Date: Monday 22 July 2024 - 22:16

The share of natives in the employment of Khark oil terminals reached 100%

The share of natives in the employment of Khark oil terminals reached 100%
In the past, local forces were less interested in companies based on Khark Island, but with the serious determination of Iran's oil terminal management, the share of Kharkians in employment in this company reached 100%.

According to Energy Press, according to the Iran Oil Terminals Company, Khark Island is considered one of the key points in the country’s oil production and export cycle, and more than 90% of the country’s crude oil is exported through this strategic island.

Having large oil terminals with export docks and suitable equipment has turned Khark Island into a crude oil export pole as one of the country’s most important sources of income, and this island plays a significant role in Iran’s oil economy.

The people of Khark Island have played a role in various fields in different periods, including the victory period of the Islamic Revolution, the holy defense period, the construction period, and now in the second step of the Islamic Revolution, and have been worthy hosts for production and export activities, along with the oil industry workers.

Although measures have been taken so far to deal with the issues and problems of Khark Island, it is expected that the officials of various institutions, from the district administration and municipality to petrochemical and oil companies and oil terminals, will have a more special look at the requests of the island’s residents.

One of the most important demands of the people of Khark Island from the officials, especially the oil industries located on the island, is the employment of local forces in these companies, and the people expect their children to be given priority employment.

While in the past, the local forces were less noticed by the companies based in Khark Island, but in the last one year, with the serious determination of the management of Iran’s oil terminals, the share of Kharkians in employment in this company has reached 100%.

The Oil Terminals Company, with a fair view of the natives of Khark, has tried to select the required forces based on merit and justice among the inhabitants of this island, and the 100% share of the native forces indicates a special view of the long-standing demand of the inhabitants.

One of the social responsibilities of industries towards the surrounding environment is to pay attention to the issue of employment, which can solve many problems and challenges and lay the foundation for reducing social damage in that region and geography.

The employment of natives was given priority

According to Abbas Gharibi, CEO of Iran Oil Terminals Company, the employment of local forces has been considered as one of the most important demands of the people of Khark Island, and we have a special view on this issue in this company.

Referring to the special attention given to the employment of the natives of Khark Island, he emphasized: Khark youths were employed in the contracts of the Iran Oil Terminals Company, and with the follow-up, the employment status of the native forces improved.

CEO of Iran Oil Terminals Company added: One of the requests of local people from National Oil Company officials is to recruit their children in non-project continuous volume contracting contracts, and we followed this issue seriously.


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