The latest status of the water volume of the reservoirs of the dams

According to the latest statistics on the state of the country's important dams, the volume of water in the country's reservoirs has increased by 11% compared to last year, and the amount of rainfall has also increased by 19% compared to the same period last year.
According to the report of Energy Press, the amount of input into the country’s reservoirs from the beginning of the water year (beginning of October) to August 27 was equal to 40.56 billion cubic meters, which compared to last year, which was equal to 38.18 billion cubic meters, has increased by 6%. Also, the total output of the country’s dams has increased by seven percent compared to the previous year.
The volume of water in the reservoirs is now recorded at 27.377 billion cubic meters, which has increased by 11% compared to the previous year, which was equal to 25.10 billion cubic meters. Also, the volume of the country’s dams is 53% until this date.
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