The fuel card of which cars will be removed?

According to Energy Press, according to Article 48 of the Third Party Insurance Law, it is prohibited to issue cards and fuel quotas for vehicles without a third party insurance policy. On this basis, preparations have been made to remove the fuel card of taxis and gas cars.
According to the new statements of the head of Central Insurance, 23,000 taxi fuel cards were canceled last month in Tehran due to lack of third party insurance. He emphasizes that according to the law, cars without third-party insurance should have their fuel cards stopped.
In the latest action, the Ministry of Economy and Central Insurance have taken steps to remove the fuel quota for cars and motorcycles without third-party insurance; Based on this, in a letter to the Minister of Roads and Urban Development, the Minister of Economy requested not to allocate fuel quota to gasoline cars and motorcycles without third party insurance policies with more seriousness and force.
Khandozi wrote in a letter to Bazarpash:
While thanking and appreciating the continuous efforts of the colleagues of that ministry working in the transportation and fuel management headquarters in implementing the provisions of Article 48 of the law on compulsory insurance of damages caused to third parties as a result of accidents caused by vehicles and deactivating the fuel cards of gas-powered vehicles without a third party insurance policy in The first phase of the implementation of the aforementioned legal article, considering the positive results obtained from the implementation of this legal article, which has led to an increase in the insurance coverage of vehicles as well as savings in the daily consumption of millions of liters of oil and gas, please order the implementation of the quota non-allocation plan in the next step. Fuel for gasoline cars and motorcycles without a third party insurance policy should be put on the agenda with more seriousness and strength so that in the future we can see the continuation of the positive effects of the implementation of this legal provision.
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