News ID: 1792
Date: Tuesday 27 August 2024 - 19:49

The emphasis of the leader of the revolution on the development of the upstream oil and gas sectors of the country

The emphasis of the leader of the revolution on the development of the upstream oil and gas sectors of the country
The leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized: The development of the upstream oil sectors and the use of facilities as much as possible to apply new methods of oil and gas extraction and the production of diverse and numerous products in the downstream sectors are important priorities for the country.

According to Energy Press, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution today (Tuesday, August 27) during the first meeting between the president and the 14th government, with gratitude for the quick formation of the government with the efforts of the president and the precious help of the parliament, he made important points such as meeting urgent priorities such as inflation and high prices, how They expressed the choice of managers and colleagues, presence among the people, the necessity of rule of law in cyberspace and attention to production as the key to solving economic problems.
Ayatollah Khamenei praised and honored the glorious movement of the people, congratulated the government week and by honoring the memory of the martyrs Rajaei and Bahner as well as the martyr Raisi and his companions, he expressed hope that the government week will be a week of hope and good news in all the long years of serving the fourteenth government. Happy reports.
He called the timely formation of the government a blessing from God and thanked all those who helped the normal administration of the country and the holding of safe and sound elections after the tragic incident of the martyrdom of Mr. Raisi and his companions, including those involved in the previous government, the national media and other institutions.
In explaining how the president consulted with him about the cabinet, the leader of the revolution said: I confirmed and emphasized some names that I knew or was sure about their qualifications from reliable sources, but I said that I had no opinion about the larger number that I did not know. He was able to convince the parliament and get a vote of confidence for everyone.
He added: Today, all the ministers who have been trusted by the president and the parliament are high-ranking officials of the country, and everyone’s duty is to support and help them succeed.
In his first address to the new government, Ayatollah Khamenei called the opportunity to serve the people and strive for the country’s progress a great blessing from God and added: Appreciate this trust from God and the people and know that the opportunity of 4 years of service will pass at the speed of lightning and wind, of course in You can do great things in this time. Just as Amir Kabir did great things in 3 years and Raisi Aziz also made some good foundations in 3 years of service, the fruits of which, God willing, will reach the country.
In the second point, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution recognized and considered capacities as a condition for the efficiency of the government and said that there are many examples in the past when some officials did not recognize or did not believe in domestic talents and capacities, and because of this, losses were brought to the country.
He called the abundant and valuable natural capacities, geographical location, being located between the crossroads of the north, south, west and east of the world and long beaches among the material capacities and added: the religious and political faith of the people and human talents and millions of educated young people are irreplaceable wealth. If we know them and use their thoughts and energy, many problems will be solved.
Ayatollah Khamenei called the Iranian nation capable of creating geniuses, and referring to notables such as Khwaja Nasiruddin Tousi, Ibn Sina, Mulla Sadra, and Zakaria Razi, he said: These are signs of the infinite capacity of the intellectual flight of the Iranian nation, and now we can cultivate geniuses from the talented youth of the country.
The Leader of the Revolution listed political capacities, strategic depth and regional power among other capacities of Iran and added: The positive and negative experiences of the last 45 years are among the most valuable points that should be taken into consideration.
Clarifying the essential points in the selection of colleagues of the new government was the third point of the leadership’s speech in this meeting. He said: Choose young, faithful, revolutionary, committed and motivated colleagues to untie the knots and by cultivating them in different levels of management from the bottom, a generation of outstanding and motivated managers will gradually be formed for the future of the country.
The leader of the revolution advised the president: employ a hundred young men with these qualities and at the end of the government, hand over a hundred strong and ready managers, which will be a very big task.
In the next point, referring to the President’s remarks on the subject of experts, he emphasized: I have a firm opinion about the use of experts, because this work, while advancing the country and the satisfaction of the people, makes the governance wise and thoughtful, and avoids the circle of work, friendship and advice.


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