The consolidation commission’s approvals have not restricted gasoline imports

Mohsen Zanganeh, deputy chairman of the 1404 budget bill consolidation committee, said: "The import of gasoline into the country has not been banned according to the approvals of the consolidation committee."
According to Energy Press, Mohsen Zanganeh, deputy chairman of the 1404 Budget Bill Consolidation Commission, said: “The commission has removed the restriction on gasoline imports, alleviating concerns about price increases.”
The import of gasoline into the country has not been banned according to the approvals of the consolidation commission.
The government had foreseen 65 trillion tomans in the budget bill for gasoline imports, and the commission, following its approval, removed the restriction in this sector so that gasoline prices would not increase. Therefore, the commission approved that the government is allowed to import gasoline and products into the country if necessary. This approval is in the interest of the people.
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