Will Tehran’s water be rationed?

Will Tehran’s water be rationed?

Sending SMS "water storage" to the subscribers of Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company has nothing to do with water outages and scheduling in Tehran.
60% of the capacity of Iran’s dams were filled

60% of the capacity of Iran’s dams were filled

Currently, despite the 30 billion and 80 million cubic meters of water stored in the dams of the country, 60% of the capacity of the reservoirs of the dams is full and 40% of this capacity is empty.
The country’s dams are 46% full

The country’s dams are 46% full

According to the latest statistics on the state of the country's dams, from the beginning of the water year until now, 12 dams have more than 75% of water, and the country's dams are full of 46%.
40% of Iran’s aquifers will never be restored

40% of Iran’s aquifers will never be restored

A water field expert said: The loadings should be removed to preserve the aquifers, that is, the agricultural sector should be removed and industry and tourism that consume less water should be developed, and along with that, the import of food should be done in order to partially solve the problems of the aquifers. fixed it