The Minister of Oil of Iran met with the Industry Minister of Belarus
Iran Oil Output Hits 3.5 mb/d
Iran does not miss its share in Arash Square
America admits to seizing Iran’s oil shipment
Containment of leakage and eruption of oil and gas from Well No. 1 in Shadgan
After 36 hours of efforts, the severe leakage and eruption of oil and gas from Shadgan Well No. 1 was contained with the cooperation of the experts of the National Iranian Drilling Company and the National South Oil-bearing Regions Company. According to Energy Press report, quoted from National Iranian Drilling Company, Shahram Shamipour, deputy CEO
Oil prices fell
Oil prices fell on Tuesday amid concerns over the possibility of further interest rate hikes in the US, which could affect fuel demand, as well as a tropical storm approaching the US Gulf Coast region. According to Energy Press, oil prices fell on Tuesday (September 7th) due to concerns about the possibility of a further
Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company’s help to contain the fire of the Gore-Jask pipeline
Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company intervened to help contain the fire of Gore-Jask crude oil pipeline.According to Energy Press, according to the Iranian Oil Pipeline and Telecommunications Company, the 42-inch Gore-Jask crude oil pipeline from the projects owned and implemented by the Oil Engineering and Development Company (Metan) caught fire this morning (Monday, September