The former Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Association, pointing out that gas is a suitable fuel in transition, said: "We (the world's gas exporters) believe that by 2050, more than 60 percent of the global energy portfolio will still be supplied by fossil fuels."
The CEO of the National Iranian Gas Company emphasized that the issue of energy imbalance has now become a public issue, saying: "Everyone needs to be involved and work to manage energy consumption."
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Pension, Savings and Welfare Fund of Oil Industry Employees, pointing out that the increase in energy demand, inappropriate structure of energy supply and distribution, sanctions and economic problems, poor management and policy, fluctuations in energy production and political and security crises are among the reasons for its formation. Energy imbalance is energy, he said: If we had an optimal energy portfolio, we could use more electric energy and solar energy to compensate part of the energy imbalance.
The first vice president said: It is necessary to prioritize the policies of optimizing and managing energy consumption, especially the use of renewable and new energies.
The Minister of Energy ordered the companies and departments under the Ministry of Energy to reduce their water, electricity and gas consumption compared to the same time last year.
The former CEO of the National Company for Refining and Distribution of Petroleum Products said: Resolving the energy imbalance requires long-term planning and the necessary measures to reduce the energy imbalance should be prioritized.
The former CEO of Iran's National Gas Company emphasized the need for the cooperation of all institutions and elements of society to resolve the energy imbalance and said: Solving the imbalance of gasoline and other energy carriers is not only for the Ministry of Oil and its subsidiaries.
The review of the disagreements in the field of energy in the consolidation commission with the presence of the oil minister.
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered the imposition of new sanctions by the United States against Iran's energy sector as an illegal and unjustified act and strongly condemned it.
The spokesperson of the Parliament's Energy Commission said: The CEO of the National Oil Products Refining and Distribution Company, in the meeting of this commission, categorized and explained the important works and urgent measures of refining and distribution in the field of winter fuel in three areas of production and supply, transmission and consumption.