Trading 60% of the electricity produced by power plants in the energy exchange

Trading 60% of the electricity produced by power plants in the energy exchange

The Minister of Energy stated in the open floor of the parliament: According to the 7th development plan, it was decided that 60% of the electricity produced by the power plants will be sold in the energy exchange by the end of this plan, but I promise you, the members of the parliament, that this goal will be achieved by the end of June this year. The first year of implementation of the seventh program is realized.
The capacity of 300 megawatts of electricity export to Iran’s neighbors

The capacity of 300 megawatts of electricity export to Iran’s neighbors

The technical and engineering deputy of the Organization of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency announced that Iran's first export of renewable electricity will be to Pakistan and said: Now Pakistan's capacity is ready through the south of Sistan and Baluchistan province and the first export of electricity will be from this direction. But there is capacity in Turkey and Iraq.
Electricity exchange project between Iran and Azerbaijan

Electricity exchange project between Iran and Azerbaijan

At the opening ceremony of the "Qizqalaasi" dam and the full operation of the "Khodaafrin" dam, the President of Azerbaijan pointed out the historical importance of this opening and reminded: for the first time, the presidents of the two countries met and met on the border and this shows the border It is friendship and brotherhood.