News ID: 874
Date: Sunday 28 April 2024 - 22:51

Significant growth of electricity transactions in the Iran Energy Exchange

Significant growth of electricity transactions in the Iran Energy Exchange
The CEO of Tovanir Company said: The trading volume of electricity distribution companies had a stormy start in the second week and reached $1,140,000 with a significant growth compared to the first week of trading.

According to Energy Press, Mustafa Rajabi Mashhadi, the CEO of Tovanir Company, stated: While on the first day of electricity purchase by electricity distribution companies from the Energy Exchange, $118,333 worth of electricity was traded, the value of these transactions jumped at the beginning of the second week. It reached a stunning $1,140,000.

He noted: In the first week, 169 transactions with a volume of about 1.2 million megawatt hours were made. On the first trading day of the second week, 68 transactions with a volume of 638,880 megawatt hours of electricity were registered.

CEO Tawanir stated that the important point in this week’s transactions was the increase in the share of private sector power plants over government power plants, so that in the first day of this week’s transactions, 78% of transactions were done by private power plants.

Rajabi Mashhadi stated that “with the reform of the financial flow of the electricity industry, electricity distribution companies will purchase the electricity they need from the energy exchange from the first of May this month”, and said: with the increase in the amount of transactions of distribution companies in the energy exchange, the engine of debt generation It stops in the electrical industry.

He continued: Based on the special emphasis of the Minister of Energy, comprehensive financial reforms have been carried out in the electricity industry, part of which is due to the entry of electricity distribution companies into the energy exchange and the direct purchase of electricity from this market.

The spokesperson of the electricity industry stated: According to this plan, which started on the first day of May, a proxy account has been opened for distribution companies across the country, and Tavanir will charge these accounts with 2 thousand billion tomans per month so that the distribution companies can be listed on the stock market. Energy to buy electricity directly.

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