Shortage of gasoline and forgetfulness of “CNG”

According to the exclusive report of Energy Press, the 13th government turned Iran into an importer of gasoline while we were an exporter. Last year, this government spent four billion dollars on the country to supply gasoline for cars. Ehsan Jan Mohammadi, the secretary of Iran’s CNG Association, has introduced the development of dual-fuel vehicles as a way to compensate for the gasoline imbalance in Iran.
Although according to the resolution of the Economic Council, 1.4 million public cars were supposed to burn gas for free, but later this resolution was amended and reduced to 900,000 gas-burning cars. During the implementation phase, only 200,000 cars burned gas.
Lack of gas in stations
Although the CNG Association introduces the use of gas as a treatment option for gasoline shortages, energy expert Amir Mohammad Eslami said in an interview with Energy Press: “In the summer, we can expand the use of CNG and increase the use of this energy carrier, but in the winter.” The supply of CNG is limited and even many stations face gas cut.
In winter and on days when the weather is cold, with the increase in gas consumption in the household sector, industrial gas is rationed and from this place, a lot of damage is caused to the production sector. Therefore, there are concerns about the development ofthe use of CNG as a vehicle fuel.
On the other hand, owners of dual-fuel vehicles believe that CNG fuel does not provide the necessary acceleration for their vehicle. As a result, they do not want to use this fuel. But maybe this excuse is only due to the lack of price attraction for this energy carrier.
Reducing gasoline consumption with the development of CNG
The development of CNG in many countries, including South Korea, with the aim of reducing air pollution, has been on the agenda of the governments and has been paid attention to. In Iran, the experience of replacing CNG instead of gasoline has been successful and has controlled the increasing trend of gasoline consumption in the country from 2008 to 2010. But after the price of CNG increased eightfold in 2019, people’s motivation to use this fuel disappeared and we saw an upward trend in gasoline consumption in Iran. Statistics show that gasoline consumption reached more than 100 million liters in the 90s.
From the point of view of the oil industry activists, providing free CNG and other government incentives can be the key to solving the problem of gasoline imbalance and currency outflow from the country. Of course, this solution has its opponents, and a group believes that the increase in gas consumption in cars will aggravate the imbalance of this energy carrier, but the activists of this field believe that with the increase in the consumption of cars, the gas imbalance in the country will not worsen in any way.
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