News ID: 277
Date: Wednesday 25 October 2023 - 8:11

The record of production and sales of stock refineries was reviewed in the first half of this year;

Shiraz Refinery is at the top of the refining industry

Shiraz Refinery is at the top of the refining industry
A look at the production and sales situation of stock refineries in the first half of this year shows that these companies produced a total of 25 million and 132 thousand cubic meters of refined products in the first 6 months of this year, which is about 1.1% more than the same period last year.

According to Energy Press, this increase in production in the refining industry is due to the increase in production of two oil refining companies in Isfahan and Shiraz, and four other companies were facing a decrease in production during this period.
The same issue was also seen in the sale amount of refineries; But with the difference that the total amount of sales of refinery companies in the first 6 months of this year reached 25 million and 71 thousand cubic meters with a growth of 2.9% compared to the same period last year. It should also be said that the increase in sales of refineries in this period was thanks to the two oil refining companies of Isfahan and Shiraz.
The production statistics of Shabriz fell
The review of the performance of petrochemical companies in the first 6 months of this year shows that Shiraz Oil Refinery, with a 24.9% jump in production, was able to show the best performance in terms of increasing the amount of production and increased its production to 1,727,000 cubic meters.
Isfahan Oil Refinery was also the second oil refinery that was able to increase its production by 9.9%, equivalent to 1.15 million cubic meters, and increase its production to 11.225 million cubic meters.
But four other stock refineries faced a reduction in their production in the first 6 months of this year. So that the amount of production of Lavan refineries decreased by 0.6%, Bandar Abbas by 4.1% and Tehran by 6.2% compared to the first 6 months of 1401. Also, Tabriz oil refining also published the worst production statistics among its competitors; So that the amount of Shabriz production decreased by more than 17% in this period and reached two million and 711 thousand cubic meters.

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