Rewards for referring illegal cryptocurrency miners

According to the Energy Press report, quoted by the Ministry of Energy, Hadi Sefidmo added: This phenomenon has harmful effects on the power grid, so that the electricity equivalent to the consumption of 410 residential units must be consumed in order to extract one bitcoin.
At the same time, he mentioned that the mining of each bitcoin is determined based on the processing power of each device, and its electricity consumption is also based on the power consumption of each device.
The executive of the plan to monitor and organize cryptocurrency mining, pointing out that almost one million kilowatt-hours of electricity is consumed to produce one bitcoin by a device of all kinds of old models, said: on average, each miner is the size of a gas cooler in the southern tropics. It consumes electricity. So every miner that goes out of the circuit is like an air conditioner being turned off.
Sefid Mo said: Due to the higher processing power they have, the new devices extract one bitcoin by spending half of this amount of energy, so the amount of electricity consumed to produce one bitcoin is a function of the processing power of the device, so that the electricity consumption for these devices ranges from It varies from 1.5 to 11 kilowatts, while the electricity consumption of miners in Iran is also between 2 to 3.5 kilowatts.
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