News ID: 213
Date: Monday 16 October 2023 - 0:48

Reviewing the monthly activity report of lubricant companies in the stock market

Reviewing the monthly activity report of lubricant companies in the stock market
Reviewing the monthly activity report of lubricant companies in the stock market this month shows that Shaspa and Shebehran have recorded the highest increase in monthly income compared to September 2022 in this group, with an increase of 34.1 and 33.3 percent, respectively.

According to Energy Press, lubricants are substances that are used to reduce the amount of friction between moving and fixed surfaces. Stock market Lubricants Group is somehow a sub-category of petroleum products, coke and nuclear fuel industry and consists of four companies: Sepahan oil, Iranol oil, Behran oil and Pars oil. In this report, Energy Press has reviewed the state of lubricant companies in September 1402.

First of all, we should take a look at the performance report of Sepahan Oil Company, which was established in 1371. Investigations show that the company’s production has decreased by 3.8 percent in September this year.
So that the production amount of Shaspa has increased from 65 thousand 243 tons in August to 62 thousand 780 tons in September. However, on the sales side, the company’s figures were not as negative as last month, and Sepahan’s oil sales tonnage experienced an 18.3% growth this month compared to August. In this way, the company’s sales tonnage reached 70,163 tons from 59,313 tons in August.
The increase in the sales volume of the company’s products caused Sepahan Oil’s monthly income to grow by 16.6% in September. In the way that the monthly income of Shaspa reached 35160000 dollars in August to 41 million dollars in September.

The second listed lubricant is Iranol oil, whose shares are traded under the symbol Shranel in the second over-the-counter market. The review of the monthly performance report of this company in September indicates that the amount of Shranel production in this month decreased by 9.3% compared to August and 0.3% decrease compared to the same period last year. So that the production amount of the company reached from 56 thousand 791 cubic meters in August to 51 thousand 531 cubic meters in September.
This caused the company’s sales to decrease this month. So that Iranel’s oil sales in September reached 51,238 cubic meters from 56,736 cubic meters with a decrease of 9.7%. Also, the amount of Iranol oil sales in this month has decreased by 6.5% compared to the same period last year.
In this way, Iranel’s monthly oil income in September decreased by 6% from 26 million 560 thousand dollars in August to 24 million 960 thousand dollars. Of course, it should be said that the company’s income increased by 11.5% in September this year compared to the same period last year, which was due to the growth in the sales rate of the company’s products during this period.

The third listed lubricant is Behran oil Company, which was registered in 1341 under the license and technology of EXXON Company of America and under the brand name ESSO. The review of Behran oil’s performance report in September 1402 indicates that the company’s production volume has increased from 50,749,000 liters in the previous month to 55,893,000 liters this month with a growth of 10.1%. Of course, the production amount of the company has decreased by three percent compared to the same period last year.
With the increase in Behran oil production in August, the company was able to increase its sales. So that the sales amount of the company this month has increased by more than 22% compared to the previous month. In this way, the sales amount of Behran oil has increased from 48 million and five thousand liters in August to 58 million and 674 thousand liters in September. Also, the company’s sales this month increased by 7.4% compared to the same period last year.
It should be noted that the increase in the sales of Behran oil this month caused the company’s monthly income to rise. So that the income of Behran in September has reached two thousand 41,500,000 dollars in September this year from 37,660,000 dollars in August with a growth of 10.2%. It should be mentioned that the income of September this year has increased by more than 33% compared to the sales amount of 31,120,000 dollars of the company in the same period last year.



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