News ID: 1844
Date: Tuesday 3 September 2024 - 19:34

Record of Tehran’s water consumption

Record of Tehran’s water consumption
An official in Tehran's water system asked the people of the capital to receive the message "Tehran is a water-sensitive city" and to observe the contribution of each citizen to the consumption pattern of 130 liters.

According to Energy Press, Behnam Bakhshi said about the water supply situation in Tehran this summer: This summer we saw the formation of a thermal dome over the area of ​​Tehran, which made the heat stable, the record temperature reached 43 degrees and in the southeast of the province 45 degree reached and considering that the temperature has a direct relationship with the increase in water consumption, the consumption grew sharply.
He added: On August 8, this summer, we had a record consumption of 4 million cubic meters in one night, equivalent to 4 billion liters, but supply, purification, transfer and distribution were done well.
This expert in the field of water at the Water and Wastewater Company of Tehran province, pointing out that Tehranis consumed 2 billion 666 million 1.5 liter bottles of water in just one day and night, said: On August 8, a momentary record of 59 thousand liters per second was recorded. The figure is very large.
He stated that this model of water consumption worries us, and noted: Maybe if this consumption system continues, we will face problems in the coming years. Because the rains of the last few years have been lower than normal.

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