Energy crises in the 14th government

Energy crises in the 14th government

It is not only the budget deficit that has challenged the 14th government in the first days of its work, but the energy crisis is the most important crisis of the economic team of Masoud Mezeshkian, which has involved all the pillars of the country's economy. From gas and its pricing to electricity and gasoline.

The mirage of Russian investment in Iran’s oil industry

The mirage of Russian investment in Iran’s oil industry

Russia has no intention for such cooperation because it basically does not have the necessary equipment for energy development. As a result of this situation and of course the weak domestic diplomacy, Iran has been practically pushed out of the oil and gas market.

Breaking News

Shiraz Refinery is at the top of the refining industry
The record of production and sales of stock refineries was reviewed in the first half of this year;

Shiraz Refinery is at the top of the refining industry

A look at the production and sales situation of stock refineries in the first half of this year shows that these companies produced a total of 25 million and 132 thousand cubic meters of refined products in the first 6 months of this year, which is about 1.1% more than the same period last year.
Iran has a 23% share in Middle East polymer production
CEO of Ariasasol Polymer:

Iran has a 23% share in Middle East polymer production

The vice-chairman of the Petrochemical Commission of the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Exporters Union announced the increase in polymer production in the country and said: During the month of September, one of the major companies in this field produced 168,000 tons of various products, which is a 9% growth compared to September 2022.