Increase of 3 million cubic meters of gas supply to power plants
The volume of natural gas allocated to the country's power plants last week averaged 182 million cubic meters per day, an increase of 3.3 million cubic meters compared to the same period last year.
Reasons for the failure of maximum pressure on Iranian oil
Experts believe that the return of Trump's maximum pressure policy on Iranian oil will be doomed to failure due to the economic conditions of the United States itself and China's commitment to purchasing Iranian oil.
Diversification in the downstream of propylene is needed by the country
The Deputy Minister of Petroleum in Petrochemical Affairs emphasized the necessity of product diversification downstream of propylene and said: Acrylonitrile (ACN) production causes diversification downstream of propylene, which is needed by the country.
Breaking News
Alarm of subsidence in 359 plains, due to the reduction of underground water resources
The spokesperson of the water industry emphasized the importance of reducing the extraction of underground water resources and said: 422 plains of the country are currently on the prohibited and prohibited critical list due to excessive extraction, and 359 plains are facing the risk of subsidence.
Reducing the burning of burner gases in the 10th South Pars Refinery
The director of the 10th South Pars Refinery announced an acceleration to complete the fuel reduction operation of flare gases in this refinery.
The development of the Masjid Suleiman oil field and the prediction of an increase in oil production
The CEO of Masjid Suleiman Oil and Gas Company, referring to the implementation of the Masjid Suleiman oil field development plan, said: The Oil Engineering and Development Company is carrying out the initial stages of the implementation of the development plan of this field, and the daily production of 10 thousand barrels of oil is planned gradually according to the schedule.
Minister of Oil: The energy crisis is the achievement of many years and requires the passage of time / We currently have no plan to increase the price of gasoline
The Minister of Oil stressed: "The problem of energy imbalance has not been created within a year, therefore solving this issue also requires time, and of course the people have a special role in this field."
Spokesperson of the Fuel Stationers Association: People should not worry about the supply of gasoline
The spokesman of the gas stations of the country said: "Currently, there is no problem with the supply of gasoline, the condition of gas stations is normal, and people should not worry about supplying fuel to their cars."
Isfahan Refinery’s response to the Energy Press report
As an independent media, Energy Press does not endorse the matters mentioned in this answer, but based on the professional principles and press law, it published this answer.
The need for major repairs of South Pars production platforms and simultaneous monitoring of gas transmission pipelines in the sea
The CEO of the National Iranian Oil Company listed the implementation of the pressure increase plan, the development of phase 11 of the joint South Pars gas field and the Kish gas field as three priority projects of the oil industry in South Pars and said: "For the implementation of these strategic plans, all efforts must be made, especially the capacity of other companies under the national company." Iranian oil was also used.
The first renewable power plant will be built in Tehran
The CEO of Tehran Regional Electricity Company said: In the field of renewables, we have entered with a more serious approach, and for the first step, the first renewable power plant of one megawatt is to be established in the heart of Tehran.
Import of the main equipment of the first phase of the Badr Sharq Petrochemical Project
The construction of part of the main equipment of the methanol unit of the Badr Sharq petrochemical project abroad has been completed and the transportation of this equipment will begin soon.
Horn of Africa, the secret anchorage of Iranian and Russian oil
Iran is working in the Horn of Africa to expand its strategic depth, resist the pressure of competing powers and balance their activities, and this issue has also affected its oil policies.