Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company’s help to contain the fire of the Gore-Jask pipeline

Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company intervened to help contain the fire of Gore-Jask crude oil pipeline.According to Energy Press, according to the Iranian Oil Pipeline and Telecommunications Company, the 42-inch Gore-Jask crude oil pipeline from the projects owned and implemented by the Oil Engineering and Development Company (Metan) caught fire this morning (Monday, September
Iran Oil Pipelines and Telecommunications Company intervened to help contain the fire of Gore-Jask crude oil pipeline.
According to Energy Press, according to the Iranian Oil Pipeline and Telecommunications Company, the 42-inch Gore-Jask crude oil pipeline from the projects owned and implemented by the Oil Engineering and Development Company (Metan) caught fire this morning (Monday, September 6). This accident happened after an unauthorized branching of this pipeline by unknown people 60 km from Bandar Abbas.
The fire that occurred in the 42-inch Gore-Jask crude oil pipeline is caused by the presence of crude oil in the line since its launch.
Officials and experts of the Pipelines and Telecommunications Company of the Persian Gulf Region are trying and helping to contain the fire and collect environmental pollution by arriving early and on time at the scene of the accident, using the dispatching facilities from Bandar Abbas city and mobilizing all the facilities of the oil companies.
2 people were killed in the oil pipeline explosion
The governor of Bandar Khmeir reported: 2 robbers used a Pride car at the location of the oil pipeline and with the aim of stealing, they made a hole in the pipeline, which led to a fire.
2 people died in this incident due to fire and their car was also burnt.
Rescuers are building an embankment to contain the fire.
Tags:Gore-Jask pipeline ، oil
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