News ID: 461
Date: Monday 8 January 2024 - 23:55

Obtaining complete data from reservoirs using an industrial microCT device

Obtaining complete data from reservoirs using an industrial microCT device
The industrial microCT device, one of the achievements of one of the knowledge-based companies, has provided a field for researchers to study oil ore, and using this information, researchers can obtain complete data from oil reservoirs.

According to Energy Press, Hossein Qadiri, the CEO of this knowledge-based company, 3D imaging device in two LOTUS-NDT models for use in non-destructive tests in various fields such as oil and parts field with the title “Industrial Microcity T Scan” and LOTUS-inVivo with the title ” He named “Clinical Microscan” for imaging of small animals with application in pre-clinical research as one of the achievements of this company and added: MicroCT scan is a three-dimensional imaging device of objects that by imaging in micron dimensions (one thousandth of a millimeter), information from inside Provides objects to researchers. This device is designed and built for industrial imaging of stone, metal and objects.

He continued: The basis of the industrial microCT scan machine is a fixed X-ray beam, in such a way that the desired sample is placed in the machine and by rotating around its axis, it performs three-dimensional imaging with a resolution of one micron.
Qadiri stated: For a concrete example of the use of this industrial device, we can mention oil ore examination, the results of which are of great importance in oil fields. Oil rock has micron holes and oil collects inside these holes, so this device can provide good information about oil reservoirs.

The managing director of this knowledge-based company stated that in both imaging devices of this company, they prepare a 360-degree image of the object presented to them, and reminded: the difference between these two devices is that in the industrial example, the object rotates around its axis, but in The clinical and medical sample is a fixed sample.

Stating that the clinical microscan imaging device has been released for 3D imaging of live samples such as mice, Qadiri said: This device is used in pharmaceutical, biological and biological research.

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