Minister of Energy: We will not have power outages next winter

According to Energy Press, Abbas Aliabadi, noting that the Ministry of Energy has launched 14 major projects in the new management period with the aim of resolving the accumulated problems in the country’s electricity industry and reducing the imbalance in energy supply, stated: “We anticipate that by implementing the ongoing programs and cooperating with the Ministry of Oil in providing the necessary fuel for power plants, we will spend next year’s winter without a blackout, and we hope that by the summer of 1405, the electricity imbalance will be managed and resolved.” He addressed the fundamental problems of the country’s electricity industry, which have arisen due to the accumulation of problems in the valley of electricity production development and consumption management, and stated: “From the very beginning of our work, with the full support of the government, we have tried to take effective measures in two main areas, namely increasing production and managing consumption, by making maximum use of domestic capacities and international cooperation.” Referring to the extensive measures in the electricity generation sector, he stated: “In the generation sector, our program includes increasing the capacity and efficiency of power plants, improving production capacity, and removing restrictions in thermal power plants. In addition, the accelerated development of renewable energies is also seriously on the agenda, and in this short period, nearly 310 megawatts of new solar power plants have been installed and commissioned.” The Minister of Energy emphasized that these measures have been designed in the form of 14 major projects and are being implemented, adding: “It is expected that the successful implementation of these programs will have a significant impact on the supply of sustainable electricity in the short term.” The Minister of Energy continued by pointing to the high energy intensity in Iran compared to the global average, and regarding the ministry’s programs for managing consumption in the demand sector, he said: “The intensity of energy consumption in Iran is twice the global average and four times the average of developed countries.”
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