News ID: 41
Date: Saturday 2 September 2023 - 16:44

Iran’s industrial electricity consumption is equal to the combined consumption of three European countries

Iran’s industrial electricity consumption is equal to the combined consumption of three European countries

Based on the extracted statistics, the electricity consumption of Iran’s industries is equivalent to the total electricity consumption of the three countries of Switzerland, Denmark and Ireland, while these three countries have a gross domestic product of 1732 billion dollars with this amount of electricity, but inside, the industrial units are equivalent to 130 billion

Based on the extracted statistics, the electricity consumption of Iran’s industries is equivalent to the total electricity consumption of the three countries of Switzerland, Denmark and Ireland, while these three countries have a gross domestic product of 1732 billion dollars with this amount of electricity, but inside, the industrial units are equivalent to 130 billion dollars of gross domestic product. They bring domestic benefits to the country.

According to Energy Press, Iran’s electricity supply capacity is a subject that can only be correctly portrayed to the audience in comparison with the capacity of other countries and comparative studies. In this regard, in order to check the amount of electricity supplied to the country’s industry, we compare the amount of energy supplied between the industrial customers of Iran and several European countries.

According to the annual statistics of the country’s electricity industry in 1401, Iran’s industrial customers, including large and energy-intensive industries, industries inside industrial estates, as well as small industries and industrial guilds, consumed a total of 115 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 12 months of the year.

In order to see the effect of electricity supply to the country’s industries on the economy, we must first pay attention to the words of the minister. Abbas Aliabadi, the Minister of Peace, said in the celebration of the National Day of Industry and Mining, that the industry, mining and trade sector, having a share of 30% of the country’s gross domestic product, contains the most productive factors of the economy.

According to the latest information of the World Bank, Iran’s gross domestic product is estimated to be nearly 390 billion dollars from 2022. Putting this information together means that the consumption of 115 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 1401 has resulted in a gross domestic product of 130 billion dollars for Iran. An issue that is definitely on the attention of Minister Sammat and considering the years of activity in the electricity industry and energy sector, increasing the productivity of Iran’s industries to create higher added value will be on the agenda of Sammat Group. Just as the effort to complete the value chain of various industries and prevent crude sales are also other serious items on the agenda of the Ministry of Security under the new management.

Now, in order to examine the conditions of industrial electricity supply in Iran and create a more accurate understanding of the important work that is being implemented in the country, we will compare the country’s industrial electricity consumption with three European countries, Switzerland, Ireland and Denmark.

According to worldpopulationreview, the electricity consumption of all industrial, household, agricultural and other electricity consumers in the three countries of Switzerland, Denmark and Ireland in a full year of 2022 will be 58.46, 33.02 and 25.68 billion kilowatt hours of electricity respectively.

Aggregation of these statistics indicates that the annual electricity consumption of all subscribers in the three countries of Switzerland, Denmark and Ireland together is equal to 117 billion kilowatt hours. With this amount of electricity consumption, a look at the gross domestic product of these three countries according to the statistics of the World Bank shows that Switzerland, Denmark and Ireland are 808, 395 and 529 billion dollars, respectively, which reaches a total of 1732 billion dollars. In other words, the 3 European countries of Switzerland, Denmark and Ireland have registered a gross production of 1732 billion dollars with electricity consumption equivalent to 117 billion kilowatt hours.

Knowledge of these statistics shows that the electricity consumption of the country’s industries is equivalent to the combined annual consumption of the three countries of Switzerland, Ireland and Denmark, while the consumption of Iran’s industries ends up with a gross domestic product of 130 billion dollars, which shows that three European countries with this amount of electricity consumption 13 They cover 5 times the gross domestic product of Iran’s industries. The issue that will definitely be taken into consideration in the new period of the Ministry of Security’s policies will be increasing the productivity of the country’s industries.

According to experts in the field of energy, the main reason for the inadequacy of electricity consumption in Iran with creating value in the economy is to pay attention to the issue of productivity and optimization. In this regard, Seyed Daniyal Al Hashem, a university professor, points out: Different parts of the country, especially some industries, became addicted to free electricity and forgot about optimization.

He added: One of the main factors in the formation of electricity imbalance in the summer is the non-optimal consumption in some industries, while if only the steel industry consumes energy at the global standard and registers the same amount of production, the electricity imbalance will disappear.

This expert suggested that entering industrial tariffs is the way forward to potentialize the potential of electricity production capacity in Iran’s economy.

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