News ID: 1373
Date: Saturday 29 June 2024 - 20:49

Iran’s ambiguous gas contract with Russia

Iran’s ambiguous gas contract with Russia
While the public opinion in Iran is focused on the 14th presidential elections, the current government signed a new agreement with the Russians, according to which Russia will be the exporter of gas to Iran. A contract that has been lost in the news frenzy.

According to Energy Press, although the 13th government tried to have close relations with Russia from the beginning, but Russia’s attack on Ukraine became a reason for the Russians to consider Iran as a strategic partner, at least for energy. At the same time, the Russians signed similar contracts with Turkey for the transfer of gas and becoming a gas hub for this country, but what has been implemented as a result of these negotiations and contracts with Iran is more about transit through Iranian soil than investment or even becoming a gas hub for Iran.

Two years ago in July, when Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Iran, a memorandum of understanding worth 40 billion dollars was signed between Iran and Russia’s Gazprom company, based on which the company would invest in Iran. Although the officials of the Ministry of Oil state that part of this investment has been made, reports show that at least $40 billion has been agreed for it, that is, the development of the Kish and North Pars gas fields, the pressure increase of the South Pars field, the development of 6 oil fields, the gas and product swap, the completion LNG plans, construction of gas export pipelines and other scientific and technological cooperation have not been taken seriously.

After Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the country being sanctioned by European and American countries, the country’s energy exports were affected. Russia sent its oil to China, India, and Southeast Asian countries instead of the West, and has sold gas in the form of LNG so far. However, for the country that has the first gas reserves in the world, the cut off of the country’s gas pipeline to Europe has been a heavy burden. For this reason, since the Western sanctions, it is finding alternative ways to export its gas.

The contract with Turkey for the country’s gasification hub on the one hand and trying to transfer its gas to China through a pipeline are measures that Russia has taken to change the direction of its energy exports in these two years.

Iran has long been a target for Russians due to access to open waters through the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman. During the disconnection of Russia’s communication with Europe, Iran’s route has been the best route for the country’s energy transit. Of course, the corridor from north to south of Iran needs investment; The issue that has led the Russians to consider Iran’s option for energy export more.

Another problem with Russia

Just two days before the 14th presidential election, the special representative of the Russian president went to Iran to make the most of the last legal opportunities of the 13th government. During this trip, Alex Miller signed a new contract for the transfer of Russian gas through Iran; It is not clear what the volume of gas transfer through Russia to Iran is and when it is supposed to start.

In a meeting with Alex Miller, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation and the head of Gazprom, Mohammad Mokhbar, the Acting Presidential Informant, signed the memorandum of understanding on the export of Russian gas to Iran and announced that the North-South Corridor and the Rasht-Bandar Abbas railway line will be connected as soon as possible. countries in the region to complete this corridor.

Emphasizing that the late president emphasized on the implementation of this project, the informant said: Tehran-Moscow’s firm determination to improve the level of relations has a serious message for the world, and the possibility of the gas cooperation started between the two countries will lead to larger memorandums and contracts.

Without referring to the details of this contract, Oil Minister Javad Oji was content only with this information: “Iran will be fully ready to receive this amount of gas with its infrastructure and gas transmission lines throughout the country. “In a short period of time, there is a readiness for this memorandum to become a contract and a big event will happen for both Iran and the Russian government.”


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