Iran will need to import 50 million liters of gasoline in the next few years

According to Energy Press, in the panel titled “Finding the Roots of the Energy Supercrisis in Iran” held at the 10th Oil and Power Congress, which was attended by Mohammad Ali Vahdati, a member of the board of directors of the Syndicate of Electricity Generating Companies, Hassan Montazeri Torbati, former CEO of the National Gas Company, Yaser Mirzaei Siroi, Director General of Budget and Market Regulation at the Ministry of Oil, and Mohammad Maroti, Assistant Professor of Economics at Khatam University and CEO of the Tehran Institute for Advanced Research, experts warned about the future of energy in the country.
According to the experts present at this specialized panel, if the situation continues in this way, we will need to import 50 million liters of gasoline in the next three to four years, and this amount may reach 100 million liters in the next 10 years.
If we want to solve this gap and imbalance by increasing gasoline production, assuming that we do not have an investment problem and that we have enough refineries, based on the calculations that have been made, to supply this amount of gasoline, we will have to spend half of our exports on gasoline imports, which is equivalent to 800,000 barrels of oil.
According to the latest statistics, Iran exports about 1.6 million barrels of oil, so if Iran wants to supply the amount of gasoline it needs itself, the government would have to give up half of its oil export revenues, and this amount will increase over the next few years, leaving no oil revenue for the country.
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