News ID: 1491
Date: Wednesday 17 July 2024 - 21:45

How much electricity imbalance will the 14th government of Iran inherit?

How much electricity imbalance will the 14th government of Iran inherit?
An energy expert while stressing the need to liberalize industrial electricity prices in the 14th government, said: "Now, there is an imbalance of 15,000 megawatts of electricity at the peak of load."

According to Energy Press, energy expert Amin Kaveh said: When the imbalance is discussed, it means the imbalance between production and consumption, for this reason, it should be examined from the aspect of production and consumption. In the discussion of electricity imbalance, one of the most important factors that we face is the financial imbalance in the electricity industry.

He continued: The financial imbalance is such that the cost of each kilowatt hour of electricity production is 2,800 tomans. In other words, production costs are in dollars and sales costs are in Rials; For example, if we consider the most expensive electricity, it is sold for 1,200 tomans per kilowatt-hour, and household subscribers are charged between 60 and 250 tomans per kilowatt-hour, so the cost of production and sale is not balanced.

This energy expert noted: The first action that should be taken in the 14th government is the regulation of the electricity market, and electricity should be viewed as a commodity, and as a producer and the person who is going to sell his product, he should have economic efficiency based on profit. A problem that exists everywhere in the world.

Kaveh continued: Our main problem is the financial imbalance in the field of production, and the private sector does not want to participate in this field when it is not profitable for it. Of course, there are minimal incentives in production, while in the field of transmission and distribution, the private sector has no interest in investing, and practically, the projects must be assigned in the form of work contracts.

Pointing out that there is no supervision and control on consumption, he pointed out: urban development, modernization of villages, new laws of the engineering system for construction, etc. They should be taken into account because we are facing a 10% growth in electricity every year.

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