Gas deliveries to power plants increased by 180 million cubic meters in December

According to Energy Press, Masoud Kazemi, noting that the average volume of gas delivered to power plants in December last year was 136 million cubic meters per day, stated: In December this year, an average of 142 million cubic meters of gas was delivered to power plants daily, which represents an increase of 6 million cubic meters per day.
He clarified: Cumulatively, gas delivered to power plants in December this year was 180 million cubic meters more than the same period in 1402.
Mohammad Sadeq Azimifar, CEO of the National Petroleum Products Refining and Distribution Company, recently announced a 50 percent increase in the delivery of oil and gas to power plants during the 14th government and said: In December this year, an average of 51 million liters of oil and gas were delivered to power plants daily.
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