News ID: 969
Date: Saturday 11 May 2024 - 20:55

Excessive growth of electricity consumption in Iran’s large industries

Excessive growth of electricity consumption in Iran’s large industries
Rajabi Mashhadi, CEO of Tovanir Company, said: Since the beginning of the new year, the electricity consumption of major industries in the country has increased by 15% compared to last year.

According to Energy Press report, Mustafa Rajabi Mashhadi stated: Although the electricity production capacity of the country has been increased by 9 thousand megawatts since the beginning of the 13th government, the growth of electricity consumption in the country is very high, reaching 6% in April this year. While this growth in the last 10 years was 4.7% and the previous year was 5.7%.

He cited the low price of energy and the use of air conditioners as the reasons for the increase in electricity consumption and added: the demand is increasing in the country’s productive sector, and in the 50 days since the beginning of the new year, the consumption of the country’s large industries has increased compared to the previous year. It increased by 15% and this trend of demand shows that we should pay more attention to the optimization of electricity consumption.

According to Rajabi Mashhadi, the Ministry of Energy’s incentive plans for consumption management are still ongoing to supply electricity to the country’s productive sectors such as industry and agriculture.

He added: Detailed incentive schemes are planned to overcome the peak load of summer, so that household subscribers, in addition to receiving savings bonuses, can benefit from exquisite prizes such as cars, household appliances, and digital appliances through reducing electricity consumption.

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