Developing the country’s commercial ports based on a comprehensive plan

According to Energy Press, Saeed Rasouli, Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development, stated that sea-oriented development plays a role as an approach and a major strategy in national projects, and said: Fortunately, sea-oriented development has become a requirement in the Seventh Development Plan and has been emphasized, and synergy between the organizations in charge of the development of the country’s coastal zone can be a very important solution.
He continued: Capacity building in the country’s ports has been considered in accordance with the country’s maritime transportation needs, and very good measures have been taken, and maximum use of these capacities should be considered.
The Head of the Ports and Maritime Organization stated that a very desirable capacity has been created in the country’s ports, and to maximize the use of these capacities, several basic issues should be considered, and said: One of these issues is the country’s import and export conditions and what solutions should be considered so that we can witness an increase in maritime transportation.
Stating that the competitive capacity of neighboring ports can affect the country’s transit and transshipment situation, Rasouli said: “We need to take steps to realize the potential capacity of the country’s ports by accurately understanding the current situation in the region and paying attention to modern maritime transportation patterns such as the use of large-sized ships, becoming hubs, etc.” Referring to the development of the country’s commercial ports based on the comprehensive plan, he said: “In comprehensive plans, understanding the market is of great importance. This issue has been taken into account in the scheduling plans for the next 5, 10 and 15 years. By developing the comprehensive plan for the country’s ports as a roadmap for all ports, all development plans in ports will be implemented and operationalized based on it.”
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