Completion of major repairs to Bandar Abbas Oil Refinery

According to Energy Press, citing Bandar Abbas Oil Refining Company, Ahmad Hashemi considered the main goal of these repairs to be preparing the units for continuous and reliable production of petroleum products and said: In this process, all equipment including towers, heat exchangers, pipelines, pumps, compressors and electrical systems, precision instruments and furnaces were inspected and repaired.
He pointed out the importance of observing safety principles and carrying out operations without incidents and added: One thousand refinery workers and 600 temporary workers worked to carry out these repairs, which is commendable.
The CEO of Bandar Abbas Oil Refining Company also emphasized the role of coordination of groups, use of collective wisdom, continuous monitoring and round-the-clock work in the success of this project and said: These repairs were the first major operation of the viscosity reduction unit after 10 years, which is the result of the cooperation and coherent management of the refinery employees.
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