The General Director of the Grand Planning Office of the Mother Specialized Thermal Power Company said: Since the beginning of the 13th government, the capacity of the country's thermal power plants has increased by about 9,000 megawatts in order to help reduce imbalances, create jobs and create sustainable electricity in the national grid.
Mohammadi, the executor of the plan to build strategic crude oil tanks, announced the increase of 4 million barrels of crude oil storage capacity.
The recent rains improved the overall situation of the country's rainfall, so that the rainfall in the current water year so far shows a 17% increase compared to the last water year.
The director of the 28th International Exhibition of Oil, Gas, Petrochemical Refining said: 1500 domestic companies and 250 foreign companies will be present in this exhibition.
Fajr Gulf Energy Company won the first place in the field of safety and the third place in HSE among the subsidiaries of the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Group.
Climate changes and oil and gas crises have caused many countries to invest in hydrogen and consider it as a serious alternative to fossil fuels.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Oil Industry Pension Fund said: The way of financing the Iran LNG project will be through finance and the required amount will be around 1.4 billion dollars.
The Minister of Energy said: Power plants all over the country can sell their produced electricity to subscribers at attractive rates on the energy exchange.
A member of the Energy Commission of the Iranian Parliament said: Maybe someone does not want to own a car or does not have a license or prefers to use a public vehicle, so there is no need to allocate fuel to people.
In response to the repetition of Kuwait's unilateral claim about Arash Square in the final statement of the Emir of Kuwait's visit to Egypt, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected this claim and added that the repetition of these unilateral and baseless claims by the Kuwaiti side is regrettable.