With the spread of electric cars in the world and the import of these types of cars to Iran, the question of charging these cars is a question of many car buyers.
The CEO of South Pars Gas Complex said: With the implementation of the project to reduce flare gas emissions until the end of August this year, a total of 12 refineries of this complex will reduce the emissions of flare gas by about 1,200 million cubic meters annually compared to 2022.
The CEO of Tehran Province Water and Sewerage Company pointed out that this year the amount of rainfall was 175 milliliters and has decreased by 33% compared to the long-term average.
Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Group, Persian Gulf Mobeen Energy Company, in cooperation with Persian Gulf Modbaran Technology Development Company, has defined and implemented a digital transformation project for the first time at the level of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Group.
مدیر اکتشاف شرکت ملی نفت گفت: در دولت سیزدهم در حال ساخت تجهیزی هستیم که با اسکن می توان متوجه شد تا در کدام مناطق نفت وجود دارد به این ترتیب عملیات اکتشاف آسان می شود.
Gasoline should be made more expensive when the car becomes cheaper
An international economic expert said: Recently, the US Congress and the Senate passed a resolution and put pressure on China not to buy oil from Iran or to import less. But the issue is that America cannot fight on several fronts.
72 billion dollars loss. This is a thumb number that was obtained from the results of the parliament's report on torch burning. According to the report published by the energy committee of the parliament, the gasses associated with oil, which are burned in vain, cost the country 3 billion dollars annually. The non-profit that has been going on since 1378.
Jalil Salari's role in the seizure of the oil ministry building in London Although the court's verdict regarding the seizure of the oil building in London has not yet been issued in favor of Crescent, some informed sources say that Jalil Salari's role is the main culprit of this possible incident.
Although the CEO of the National Oil Company announced in July of last year that all joint oil fields have been designated, there are joint fields that are not included in the scope of the Deputy Minister's promise.