National Gas Company’s measures to ensure the stability of the gas network during cold days

National Gas Company’s measures to ensure the stability of the gas network during cold days

The CEO of the National Iranian Gas Company announced the necessary measures and arrangements to maintain the stability of the country's gas network during the cold days of this week and emphasized: Dear compatriots, considering the increasing cold weather, please manage consumption and support this company in providing the best possible gas to all regions of the country.
Project to increase gas transmission capacity to the west and northwest of the country

Project to increase gas transmission capacity to the west and northwest of the country

The head of the Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company considered it vital to create capacity to transport more gas to the west of the country, saying: The Ahvaz-Kuhdasht gas pipeline project is being implemented with the aim of creating operational flexibility and increasing gas transport capacity in the west and northwest of the country.
The record for liquid fuel delivery to power plants was broken in the 14th government

The record for liquid fuel delivery to power plants was broken in the 14th government

The CEO of the National Iranian Petroleum Products Refining and Distribution Company announced a 40 percent increase in the volume of fuel supply operations to power plants in the first 11 months of this year, saying: "The record of delivering 19.5 billion liters of petroleum products and furnace oil to power plants in the 97-year history of the National Iranian Petroleum Products Distribution Company is unparalleled."
Iran’s oil exports to China increase

Iran’s oil exports to China increase

The American news outlet reported that the flow of oil from Iran to China increased this month after traders overcame logistical obstacles caused by US sanctions.