In order to eliminate the pollution of Shazand thermal power plant, a consortium of knowledge-based companies is formed.
Last year, Iran exported about 36 billion dollars of oil, but only 28 billion dollars returned to the country.
Tehran Electricity Distribution Company announced in an announcement: It informs the subscribers that following the record low temperature increase, the amount of electricity consumption in the country has increased greatly and is approaching the warning limit.
Due to the unprecedented increase in electricity consumption, on Wednesday, the electricity of 65 high-consuming office subscribers in Tehran was cut off due to the refusal to reduce electricity consumption.
The director of the 18th Iran Plast International Exhibition announced the start of pre-registration for this exhibition from August 1st of this year and said: All those interested in participating in the largest specialized event of the petrochemical industry can do preliminary registration at the Iran Plast Exhibition for three days.
Currently, despite the 32 billion and 820 million cubic meters of water stored in the country's dams, 63% of the reservoir capacity of the dams is full and 37% of this capacity is empty.
The deputy director of water exploitation and development of Tehran Province Water and Sewerage Company announced the construction and exploitation of 250 thousand cubic meters of new drinking water storage tank in Tehran Province by the end of 2024.
While the 13th government came to an end, the electricity imbalance is becoming severe during the hot summer days, and now the electricity industry has been able to continue its life by changing the working hours of the offices and imposing restrictions on the industries.
The Chairman of the Civil Engineering Commission of the Majlis said: Today, the lack of electricity has reached a point where the temperature of the air is above 45 degrees, the household electricity is cut off, and people stayed in their homes without a cooling system in this amount of heat.
According to the report of the Monitoring Center of Renewable Energy Resources and Scattered Production, the amount of energy produced by renewable sources in June reached 230 million kilowatt-hours.