The CEO of the power grid management company said: "In the events of last night, no problem occurred for the country's power grid, and the conditions of the power grid in all parts of the country are completely normal and stable."
Oil and gas after sales service unit of Hawayar Industrial Group succeeded in Overhaul and successfully launched ASU package in one of the countries of the region.
Director of Public Relations of Jundishapour University of Medical Sciences Ahvaz announced the death of two workers injured in the explosion of Pars Petro Shoshtar Refinery.
The executive of the plan to monitor and organize cryptocurrency mining said: after identifying the unauthorized miners of cryptocurrency, the amount of energy consumed and the duration of use are checked and its price is calculated and received from them at the daily rate of the permitted cryptocurrency, the violator is also presented to the court and the miner's device It will be recorded and delivered to the judicial and security authorities and destroyed.
The oil minister said: The non-governmental refinery in Shushtar industrial town caught fire most likely due to the negligence of the human factor.
The relations between Iran and Azerbaijan have significant potential in the fields of energy and water.
The country's specialized electricity buying and selling market named "Iran's Electricity Allocation System (SETBA)" was put into operation.
For several years, blackouts have been extended to winter, the type of blackouts in the second half, but not summer, and the reason is gas imbalance. Because more than 90% of the electricity produced in the country is provided by gas and oil products.
The implementation processes of the previous memorandum between the University of Petroleum Industry and the Southern Iraq University of Technology were reviewed during the visit of the president of this university to Iran.
While forecasts show that the gas pressure drop in South Pars will reach its peak in less than two years, if the pressure boosting plan is implemented in South Pars, it will be 70 years of gas extraction from this field without any problems; A project whose financing is the biggest obstacle to its implementation.