Tehran’s dams’ water reserves are only 20 percent

Tehran’s dams’ water reserves are only 20 percent

Emphasizing that water is a cross-sectoral issue, the water industry spokesperson said: "The Ministry of Energy alone cannot solve its problems, and other agencies must solve water problems by improving the development model."
Shiraz Petrochemical Gas Cut Off

Shiraz Petrochemical Gas Cut Off

Shiraz Petrochemical Company announced: Production halt in all production units due to the announcement of restrictions on gas consumption by the Fars Province Gas Company.
Supplying 25% of saline gas to the Central Regions Oil Company

Supplying 25% of saline gas to the Central Regions Oil Company

The head of production management at the Central Iranian Oil Company, pointing out that more than 25 percent of the country's gas needs are produced by this company, said: "The average daily gas production of the Central Iranian Oil Company in the first seven months of 1403 was about 163.5 million cubic meters per day, which indicates that the company's gas production goals have been achieved by 122 percent."
Iran’s natural gas production increases despite continued sanctions

Iran’s natural gas production increases despite continued sanctions

The Minister of Oil, pointing out that despite the cruel and unilateral sanctions imposed by the US government over the past few years, Iran's natural gas production has increased to 275 billion cubic meters per year, said: "Territorial tensions and threats not only affect regional stability, but also pose significant risks to global energy security."