The CEO of the National Petrochemical Industries Company said: About 800 to 830 million cubic meters of gas are injected into the national network for consumption per day, and petrochemicals consume less than 10% of this figure.
The CEO of Hengam Petrochemicals said: Currently, the ammonia unit of Hengam Petrochemicals has reached 100% nominal capacity with a daily production of 20,000 tons. The company's urea unit will also be put into operation next year according to the schedule.
This year, the exports of many petrochemical companies decreased to meet the needs of the domestic market, but many of these products have been exported from the foreign market.
Maron Petrochemical Sales Vice President stated: Turkish market has always been of interest as one of the old and traditional markets of Iranian petrochemicals.
Ruhollah Karimi said: The increase in the exchange rate of petrochemicals has reduced the illegal supply of petrochemical products in the Turkish market.
The 32nd Eurasiaplast 2023 exhibition was opened on November 23, this exhibition continues until December 5.
Referring to the company's business relations with China, the CEO of Ariassol Polymer Company said: Ariassol exports between 400 and 500 million dollars of products to China every year.
on the sidelines of the China International Import Exhibition, the National Petrochemical Company and China signed a memorandum of understanding in the field of petrochemicals.
Nouri Petrochemical announced in an announcement: Based on the plans made, the company's major repairs have been included in the company's agenda for 25 days from November 1.
The CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemicals said: The third project is "Hengam", which is one of the prides of the country and Persian Gulf Holding and will be put into operation in 1402.