The nuclear memorandum of Iran’s Ministry of Oil

The nuclear memorandum of Iran’s Ministry of Oil

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Oil and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran with the aim of realizing common goals and developing cooperation in meeting the needs and improving the technological capabilities of the country.
Iran’s oil minister is going to Pakistan with president

Iran’s oil minister is going to Pakistan with president

At the official invitation of his Pakistani counterpart, Seyyed Ibrahim Raeesi left for Islamabad on Monday morning (April 22) at the head of a high-ranking delegation of economic and political officials, including Oil Minister Javad Oji.
The Arabs play with the Persian Gulf oil market

The Arabs play with the Persian Gulf oil market

The Persian Gulf countries have largely relied on their hydrocarbons, especially oil, to pursue economic and political activities that serve their national interests, which in many cases fuels geopolitical tensions with other global actors.
The impact of sanctions on Iran’s oil exports to China

The impact of sanctions on Iran’s oil exports to China

According to Energy Press, the terrorist attack by the Zionist regime on the Iranian consular building in Damascus and Iran's response to this regime raised concerns about the continuation of Iran's oil exports to private Chinese refineries, but analysts and business sources say that this volume is unlikely to change at the moment. . Market activists raised this question.